Ku’s Study is Focus of Washington Post Story on Economic Impacts from Repealing the ACA

July 25, 2017

Studies conducted by GW Health Policy and Management Professor Leighton Ku with other HPM staffers are mentioned in a Washington Post “Wonkblog” story published on July 25 while the Senate was debating its amendment for repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. “1 million jobs on the line as Senate votes on health care’’ begins by citing Ku’s team finding that America could lose more than 1 million jobs if the Senate votes to repeal the ACA.  

The story also mentions Ku’s group’s assessment of the House’s American Health Care Act, and includes quotes from Ku that put the numbers from the GW studies and reports the by Congressional Budget Office into context.  “This study could single-handedly put a big dent in health care job growth,” Ku said.


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