Naomi Seiler, Scott Dafflitto, Rosalind Fennell, Julia Hidalgo, Katie Horton, and Mary-Beth Malcarney are the authors of "Alternate Payment Models for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Funded Services: Strategies Used by Nine Grantees," prepared for the District of Columbia HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STD and TB Administration.
Abstract: The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) offers Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part A and Part B grantees some flexibility in determining the method used for paying subgrantees for core medical and support services. Many Part A and Part B grantees use a traditional “cost-based reimbursement” approach, in which subgrantees submit budgets that include personnel costs, other direct costs related to the provision of funded services, and capped indirect costs (IDCs). Some grantees, however, have developed alternative reimbursement models for core medical and/or support services. This report summarizes the reimbursement approaches taken by nine RWHAP grantees. While not an exhaustive list, the seven Part A and two Part B grantees demonstrate a range of payment methods that might provide ideas for other grantees.