Experiences of Las Vegas Hospital Administrator Suggest New Approach to Disaster Management Exercises

December 20, 2017

What happened at a hospital in Las Vegas after the mass shooting on the evening of October 1st has convinced the hospital’s chief executive officer to expand disaster training exercises.

As Ryan Jensen explains, his hospital, Desert Springs Hospital Medical Center, is not a designated trauma center. However, the facility ended up treating more than 100 people wounded in the mass shooting because victims were transported there by friends and other heroic citizens who found the hospital on their GPSes.

The above photo shows Curtis Leoni, a police officer from Colorado who was shot on October 1, his girlfriend, Robin Davis, Nevada Lieutenant Governor Mark Hutchinson, and Jensen at the Desert Springs Hospital Medical Center.

“I had never before seen the ER the way it was that night. It was almost like a military MASH unit,” Jensen says. “There were so many people, we ran out of space.”

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